Investing in a Secure Future”, the second CONNECT North East Investment Conference

Posted on January 29, 2011 by


Are you a technology start up, a company active in the security field, a professional service provider, or an investor? Then “Investing in a Secure Future”, the second CONNECT North East investment conference is for you.

Eleven contributions from Government Departments, industry and the venture capital community have now been confirmed. Speakers will include a senior representative from the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure; Alastair Waite, Director, Onyx Group; Dave Mullin, Investing for Innovation, BAE Systems, Arnab Basu, Managing Director, Kromek; The INSTINCT Programme Director, Home Office; Richard Leaver, Blue Star Capital; Peter Jaco, Orbis IP. “Investing in a secure future” will be a platform for the North East’s technology start-up talent to pitch technologies with a security application to a mixed audience of venture capitalists, national government, and potential investors.

The conference will be an opportunity for delegates to meet their peers from the sector and discuss joint ventures, partnerships and collaborations..

Pipeline technologies will be showcased at Secure Sparks, an ‘ideas factory’ powered by the region’s universities and innovation clusters.

To register, visit

For further details contact The Bridge Club on 0191 230 5742

Posted in: Other Events