Debate on broadband provision for Europe

Posted on May 10, 2011 by


MEPs have backed a proposal by the European Commission to improve access to high speed broadband for all EU citizens by 2020.

On 9 May 2011 MEPs debated the Commission’s draft Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) – part of the EU’s “Digital Agenda for Europe”. Opening the debate, the Parliament’s rapporteur on the proposal, Swedish centre-right MEP Gunnar Hökmark, said increasing broadband access would boost the EU’s single market. He pointed out that the EU was the world’s biggest economy but not the world’s biggest market.

Under the proposals, the radio frequency bands freed up as part of the digital switchover from analogue to digital television broadcasting will be used for new services, such as mobile internet.

>> Watch the debate online…

Posted in: Digital, Policy