Funding for EU Research and Innovation from 2014: A UK Perspective

Posted on May 21, 2011 by

The UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published its response to the European Commission’s Green Paper From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation Funding1 published in February 2011.

BIS indicates in it’s report:

“The UK considers it timely to revisit the role and future shape of EU research and innovation instruments within the context of a Common Strategic Framework. The UK believes that research and innovation must play an increasingly vital role in promoting green growth in Europe in line with Europe 2020 and should continue to receive a high – and ideally increased – proportion of a future EU budget which is reprioritised to focus on sustainable growth and is smaller overall.

We consider that future funding should be focussed on funding actual research and innovation programmes of various scales which demonstrate excellence and EU added-value – with an increased focus on impact, evaluation, dissemination and knowledge transfer. The interests of business, education and wider society should be considered from the outset as appropriate.

We also consider there is scope for additional mainstreaming of some areas eg researcher mobility & skills, and engagement with countries outside the Framework Programme.

The twin objectives of delivering sustainable growth and addressing global challenges could benefit from funding projects which address either a challenge “pull” or a technology/knowledge “push”. This should be considered in the wider context of market frameworks, standards and access to finance.”

>> Download to read full report: FUNDING FOR EU RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FROM 2014