Europe dedicated €7 billion to research and innovation for 2012, via Framework Programme Seven (FP7)

Posted on July 23, 2011 by

July has seen the opening of over 60 new  FP7 Calls for Proposals for funding cutting-edge research and innovation project. The Work Programme for 2012 with about €7 billion is the European Commission’s biggest ever funding package under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7). It is expected to create around 174 000 jobs in the short-term and nearly 450 000 jobs and nearly €80 billion in GDP growth over 15 years.  Calls for Proposals include:

  • Health / 3 open calls

  • Information and Communication Technologies / 5 open calls

  • Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – NMP / 8 open calls

  • Energy / 6 open calls

  • Environment (including Climate Change) / 4 open calls

  • Transport (including Aeronautics) / 8 open calls

  • Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology / 2 open calls

  • General Activities / 1 open call

  • Socio-economic sciences and Humanities / 3 open calls

  • Space / 1 open calls

  • Security / 1 open calls

  • Joint Technology Initiatives / 5 open calls

  • European Research Council / 4 calls

  • Marie Curie Actions / 6 calls

  • Research Infrastructures / 1 open calls

  • Research for the benefit of SMEs / 1 open calls

  • Regions of Knowledge / 1 open calls

  • Research Potential / 1 open calls

  • Science in Society / 1 open calls

  • Support for the coherent development of research policies / 1 open calls

  • Activities of International Cooperation / 2 open calls

For more details visit the new official source for FP7 calls for proposals, the Participant Portal.