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Orientation Paper for FP7 Health 2013 Call for Proposals

May 5, 2012 by


This paper is made public at an early stage in the adoption process of the work programme to provide potential applicants with the currently expected main lines of the 2013 work programme. It is a working document not yet endorsed by the Commission and its content does not in any way prejudge the subsequent modifications […]

Networking your way into Europe: The networks businesses should be aware of and how to utilise them.

March 1, 2012 by


With 27 countries and a Single Market of 500 citizens the EU offers great potential for business to business growth. Furthermore with austerity in many EU countries, having an international profile can be beneficial in providing opportunities for growth beyond the national boundaries. However it is important the local businesses know how to find the […]

€80 billion investment proposed for research and innovation, to boost growth and jobs in Europe

December 1, 2011 by


The European Commission has presented a package of measures to boost research, innovation and competitiveness in Europe. Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn has announced Horizon 2020, an €80 billionprogramme for investment in research and innovation. Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou has put forward a Strategic Innovation Agenda for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which will receive […]

North East England consortium awarded £5.3M to establish new research and innovation capability

November 17, 2011 by


A North East consortium has been awarded a £5.3M grant from the UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills’ new Regional Growth Fund (RGF) scheme. Led by Procter & Gamble (P&G), the consortium is one of the successful applicants to be offered a grant from the scheme. The award will contribute towards a […]

See the Network in action: matchmaking for the global electronic media industry

November 17, 2011 by


See how entrepreneurs in Europe  link up with business managers worldwide at a brokerage event organised by the Enterprise Europe Network in the Netherlands. the Network organised an international matchmaking event at the 2011 IBC tradeshow in Amsterdam, one of the most important events on the calendar for the global electronic media industry.  

Future Hydrogen Production, Birmingham, 18th October 2011

September 30, 2011 by


Future Hydrogen Production event brings together key industrial stakeholders and policy makers, with leading UK researchers, working on the next generation of hydrogen production and storage technologies. This event will provide a forum to discuss the developments and potential business opportunities, arising from the SUPERGEN DoSH2 project’s research as well as the opportunity to debate the future short […]

Accessing EU Funding Workshop, 17th October 2011, Newcastle Upon Tyne

September 17, 2011 by


In partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network, Newcastle Science City specialists will provide details of the funding available from the European Commission and practical advice on applying for it. The sessions are auned at Science and Technology businesses who are seeking funding. Date:17th October 2011 Venue:Muckle LLP Location: Time Central, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 […]

UK Call for Proposals: Producing High Value Chemicals through Industrial Biotechnology

September 1, 2011 by


The UK Technology Strategy Board is to run a competition to fund the development and commercialisation of innovative processes that will generate high value chemicals through industrial biotechnology.  Up to £2.5m will be invested and applications are invited for both feasibility and collaborative research and development projects. Projects should look at how industrial biotechnology and/or […]

Report: Assessment of the Bio-Based Products Market Potential for Innovation

September 1, 2011 by


This report, prepared by Pöyry Management Consulting as part of the BioChem project, provides insight into the market potential of bio-based chemicals and into factors that may hinder the exploitation of this potential. The report aims to provide information to companies, particularly inustrial biotechnology start-ups, to assist in decision-making and to support the development of new […]

BIOCHEM Accelerator Forum, 5-7 October 2011, Milan, Italy

August 31, 2011 by


Are you an enterpreneur considering setting up s business in the Bio-based market? Investing in bio-based products in the chemical sector? Or you want to contribute to the growth in the Bio-based market?                                                        The BIOCHEM Accelerator Forum will provide you with a unique opportunity to promote your company and meet face-to-face with European Biotech investors, corporations and other […]

Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

July 30, 2011 by


“Horizon 2020” is the winner of our “You Name it” online vote to name the future EU-funding programme for research and innovation. Three names were shortlisted. Horizon 2020 received 3,055 votes against 2,785 for Imagine 2020 and 2,478 for Discover 2020. 8,318 votes were received in total. The full name that will be put forward towards the […]

A portfolio of power-trains for Europe: a fact based analysis

July 28, 2011 by


In September 2009, both the European Union (EU) and G8 leaders agreed that CO2 emissions must be cut by 80% by 2050 if atmospheric CO2 is to stabilise at 450 parts per million – and global warming stay below the safe level of 2ºC. But 80% decarbonisation overall by 2050 may require 95% decarbonisation of […]

€38 Million for Commercialisation of Green Products, Eco-Innovation

July 23, 2011 by


Eco-Innovation Call Opened during May 2011 and will be closing on the 8th September 2011. The Eco-innovation initiative is for organisations that have developed an environmental product, service, management practice or process which has a proven track record, yet is not fully marketed due to residual risks. It helps participants overcome those barriers to further […]

Download all the 2012 Work Programmes for Framework Programme Seven (FP7)

July 23, 2011 by


Looking for a website page from which you can download all the 2012 Work Programmes directly onto your computer, laptop, iPad or tablet? Use the links below to quickly download each of the programmes: Cooperation General Introduction [PDF] Health [PDF] Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology [PDF] Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) [PDF] Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies […]

Europe dedicated €7 billion to research and innovation for 2012, via Framework Programme Seven (FP7)

July 23, 2011 by


July has seen the opening of over 60 new  FP7 Calls for Proposals for funding cutting-edge research and innovation project. The Work Programme for 2012 with about €7 billion is the European Commission’s biggest ever funding package under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7). It is expected to create around 174 000 jobs in […]

ICT VentureGate Brokerage Event, 4th – 5th October 2011, Brussels

July 5, 2011 by


The ICT VentureGate team invites Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Investors to attend the event which will be dedicated to one of the most challenging themes – ‘Moving EU SMEs to Investor Readiness’!  After thematic discussions, the particiating SMEs will be provided with coaching and advice, by experts,  in order to help them prepare and improve […]

The key differences in VC Financing of IT startups in the US, UK, Germany and France

May 29, 2011 by


There are relatively few large global IT companies in Europe. A widening gap is observable in the success rate of VC backed startups between the US and Europe in the IT sector. This gap could be attributable to the differences in the VC financing of IT startups in the US, UK, Germany and France. The […]

How P&G Tripled It’s Innovation Success Rate?

May 28, 2011 by


Back in 2000 the prospects for Procter & Gamble’s Tide, the biggest brand in the company’s fabric and household care division, seemed limited. The laundry detergent had been around for more than 50 years and still dominated its core markets, but it was no longer growing fast enough to support P&G’s needs. A decade later […]

Honda promotes hydrogen future in Europe

May 21, 2011 by


Honda has become the newest member of the CEP programme designed to promote the hydrogen movement in Europe. The car maker has teamed up with the Clean Energy Partnership to promote the programme, Europe’s leading demonstration of fuel cell vehicle and hydrogen infrastructure project which brings together manufacturers, infrastructure and energy companies, and the German […]

Funding for EU Research and Innovation from 2014: A UK Perspective

May 21, 2011 by


The UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published its response to the European Commission’s Green Paper From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation Funding1 published in February 2011. BIS indicates in it’s report: “The UK considers it timely to revisit the role and future shape […]