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UK puts forward 12 projects for EU carbon capture and renewables fund

May 15, 2011 by


The UK Coalition Government yesterday confirmed that it has put forward 12 projects to be considered for funding under the European Union’s €4.5 billion carbon capture and renewables scheme. Up to three projects per member state can be supported under the New Entrant Reserve (NER) scheme, which is raising funds by selling off 300 million […]

Call for Tenders: Impact of ICT Reseach and Development in the Large Scale Development of Smart Electric Cars

May 14, 2011 by


The European Commission has released a Call to Tender to commission a detailed study that will analyse the barriers that currently hamper an accelerated deployment of electric vehicles in Europe. In the study, the issues to be considered are hurdles in terms of research, development and industrialization of the enabling smart systems and electrical architectures in general. >> For more information and […]

European power firms could face energy-efficiency fines

May 14, 2011 by


The European Commission seeks savings targets amid concern that proposals do not go far enough. Power companies could be fined for failing to help customers cut back energy use, according to a law being drawn up the European Commission.    The law would introduce a requirement for all energy customers to have individual meters and […]

Innovation Accelerator, a unique facility dedicated to nurturing innovative businesses

May 12, 2011 by


Today marks the official opening of the Innovation Accelerator, a unique facility dedicated to nurturing innovative businesses within the science, technology, engineering and the life sciences sectors. The £2.3M Innovation Accelerator project at The Wilton Centre, Teesside is the UK’s first specialist facility designed to support new and emerging businesses in the process industry. Managed […]

The Sustainability Imperative

May 12, 2011 by


Most executives know that how they respond to the challenge of sustainability will profoundly affect the competitiveness—and perhaps even the survival—of their organizations. Yet most are flailing around, launching a hodgepodge of initiatives without any overarching vision or plan. That’s not because they don’t see sustainability as a strategic issue. Rather, it’s because they think […]

A new Grant for Research and Development

May 11, 2011 by


A new Technology Strategy Board scheme is offering funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to engage in R&D projects in the strategically important areas of science, engineering and technology, from which successful new products, processes and services could emerge. Open from 4 April 2011, the Grant for Research and Development (Grant for R&D) scheme […]

Debate on broadband provision for Europe

May 10, 2011 by


MEPs have backed a proposal by the European Commission to improve access to high speed broadband for all EU citizens by 2020. On 9 May 2011 MEPs debated the Commission’s draft Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) – part of the EU’s “Digital Agenda for Europe”. Opening the debate, the Parliament’s rapporteur on the proposal, Swedish […]

£450M investment for regional jobs and growth

May 10, 2011 by


The first round of the Regional Growth Fund (RGF) sees £450 million invested in businesses across Britain. The first round of the RGF will see more public investment support for 50 bids by companies and partnerships across Britain. The successful bids demonstrated how they would create jobs and a high level of economic growth in their […]

UK Government’s Response to Call for Edvience for FP8

May 6, 2011 by


Download and read the UK government’s recent reponse to the European Commission regards to Framework Programme Eight (FP8). This response follows the government’s own recent UK consultation during 2010. Download: UK Government’s Response to Call for Edvience for FP8 The Framework Programme is the EU’s principal instrument for supporting transnational collaborative research and technological development. […]