Browsing All Posts filed under »Policy«

Future Hydrogen Production, Birmingham, 18th October 2011

September 30, 2011 by


Future Hydrogen Production event brings together key industrial stakeholders and policy makers, with leading UK researchers, working on the next generation of hydrogen production and storage technologies. This event will provide a forum to discuss the developments and potential business opportunities, arising from the SUPERGEN DoSH2 project’s research as well as the opportunity to debate the future short […]

Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

July 30, 2011 by


“Horizon 2020” is the winner of our “You Name it” online vote to name the future EU-funding programme for research and innovation. Three names were shortlisted. Horizon 2020 received 3,055 votes against 2,785 for Imagine 2020 and 2,478 for Discover 2020. 8,318 votes were received in total. The full name that will be put forward towards the […]

A portfolio of power-trains for Europe: a fact based analysis

July 28, 2011 by


In September 2009, both the European Union (EU) and G8 leaders agreed that CO2 emissions must be cut by 80% by 2050 if atmospheric CO2 is to stabilise at 450 parts per million – and global warming stay below the safe level of 2ºC. But 80% decarbonisation overall by 2050 may require 95% decarbonisation of […]

A road map for European economic reform, by Mckinsey Quarterly

May 29, 2011 by


Europe must do away with restrictive regulations and embrace competition. Europe is in a political crisis. The rejection of the European Union’s proposed constitution by France and the Netherlands was followed by an acrimonious meeting of EU leaders that culminated in a stalemate on the European Commission’s budget. This development, in turn, has led to finger-pointing […]

Should governments try to spur entrepreneurship and investment in early-stage firms?

May 27, 2011 by


High-tech start-ups can play a vital role in seeding future economic growth both at a regional and national level. As venture capital firms tend to invest in businesses as they approach financial viability, accessing investment at the very early-stage of a companies formation can be tricky. Wealthy entrepreneurs may have access to their own savings or those of their close friends […]

Honda promotes hydrogen future in Europe

May 21, 2011 by


Honda has become the newest member of the CEP programme designed to promote the hydrogen movement in Europe. The car maker has teamed up with the Clean Energy Partnership to promote the programme, Europe’s leading demonstration of fuel cell vehicle and hydrogen infrastructure project which brings together manufacturers, infrastructure and energy companies, and the German […]

Funding for EU Research and Innovation from 2014: A UK Perspective

May 21, 2011 by


The UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published its response to the European Commission’s Green Paper From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation Funding1 published in February 2011. BIS indicates in it’s report: “The UK considers it timely to revisit the role and future shape […]

Public consultation: Small Business, Big World – A new partnership to help small businesses seize global opportunities

May 19, 2011 by


The European Commission is seeking to consult small businesses and other stakeholders on ideas for a more integrated and coherent approach to public support services for helping companies to successfully new international markets beyond Europe.   The Commissions proposal is based on the premises that: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) generally need some form of assistance when […]

UK puts forward 12 projects for EU carbon capture and renewables fund

May 15, 2011 by


The UK Coalition Government yesterday confirmed that it has put forward 12 projects to be considered for funding under the European Union’s €4.5 billion carbon capture and renewables scheme. Up to three projects per member state can be supported under the New Entrant Reserve (NER) scheme, which is raising funds by selling off 300 million […]

Call for Tenders: Impact of ICT Reseach and Development in the Large Scale Development of Smart Electric Cars

May 14, 2011 by


The European Commission has released a Call to Tender to commission a detailed study that will analyse the barriers that currently hamper an accelerated deployment of electric vehicles in Europe. In the study, the issues to be considered are hurdles in terms of research, development and industrialization of the enabling smart systems and electrical architectures in general. >> For more information and […]

Debate on broadband provision for Europe

May 10, 2011 by


MEPs have backed a proposal by the European Commission to improve access to high speed broadband for all EU citizens by 2020. On 9 May 2011 MEPs debated the Commission’s draft Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) – part of the EU’s “Digital Agenda for Europe”. Opening the debate, the Parliament’s rapporteur on the proposal, Swedish […]